
Our Story

Plianced was born from our realization, that there could be a better way for companies to keep up with regulatory changes and de-risk their businesses.

Plianced is on a mission

We live in a world of ever-changing regulations. Our single-minded goal is
to help businesses stay 100% compliance ready, 100% of the time. In the process, we also help prevent disasters that affect lives.

Headquartered in New York City, Plianced is industry’s fastest growing professional network for Compliance learning, jobs and expert access. Plianced makes it possible for businesses to keep up with Compliance in real-time.

Focused on making a difference

We benchmark our own impact every day, using some of the toughest industry standards

Net Promoter Score (NPS) > 7.0
'Time to first answer' from Expert < 24 hours
User ratings of expert-led courseware